How to Write Erratum in Email: Tips and Examples

When it comes to sending emails, especially in a professional setting, accuracy is key. However, there may be times when you’ve sent an email only to realize later that there was a mistake or an omission. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. The good news is that there’s a simple solution to this problem, and that’s by writing an erratum. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps of how to write an erratum in an email so that you can correct your mistake and address any concerns or confusion that may have arisen. We’ll provide you with examples that you can use as a template and edit to fit your specific situation. So, let’s get started on perfecting your email communication!

The Best Structure for Writing an Erratum in an Email

An erratum is a correction or clarification made after a mistake has been discovered in a previously published document or communication. It’s crucial to write an erratum in a clear and professional manner, especially when communicating in a business setting. In this article, we’ll examine the best structure for writing an erratum in an email, using the writing style of Tim Ferris as an example.

First, start with a clear and concise opening. This should be a short sentence that immediately sets the tone for the email. For example, “Correction to the Previously Sent Email” or “Erratum to the Report Sent Last Week”. This opening should quickly and effectively communicate the purpose of the email.

Next, provide a brief summary of what the error was and where it was located. Refrain from making excuses or trying to shift the blame onto another party. Take full responsibility for the error and focus on the solution. For example, “In the email sent on [date], there was a typo in the second paragraph on page three. The correct word should be ‘exceptional’ instead of ‘acceptable’.”

After summarizing the error, provide the corrected information. This should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. If necessary, include any supporting documents or links to reference materials to provide additional context. For example, “The correct sentence is: ‘Our new product has received exceptional feedback from customers’.”

Finally, express regret for any inconvenience or confusion caused by the error. This shows that you take responsibility for the mistake and value the recipient’s time and attention. If necessary, offer to provide additional assistance or information if needed. For example, “We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. If you have any questions or would like further clarification, please don’t hesitate to let us know.”

In conclusion, the best structure for writing an erratum in an email is a clear and concise opening, a brief summary of the error and its location, the corrected information, and an expression of regret for any inconvenience caused. Use Tim Ferris’ writing style to ensure your erratum is professional, effective, and empathetic.

7 Samples of Erratum Emails for Different Reasons

Erratum Email for Wrong Date Mentioned in Invitation


We apologize for the mistake we made in mentioning the date of the event in the invitation you received yesterday. The correct date is November 23rd, 2021, instead of November 25th, 2021.

Please accept our deepest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. We hope the corrected date will not inconvenience your schedule, and we look forward to seeing you on the correct date.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

Event Planning Team

Erratum Email for an Incorrect Price Mentioned in an Offer

Dear Customer,

We regret to inform you that a mistake was made in the offer we provided you via email yesterday. The price quoted for the product was incorrect and should have been $450 instead of $550.

We are sorry for any confusion this might have caused you. Please note that we have already updated our system, and your invoice will reflect the correct price.

We appreciate your business and hope you will continue to consider buying from us in the future.

Best regards,

Sales Representative

Erratum Email for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Page

Dear Concerned Person,

We would like to apologize for the mistakes made on our FAQ page on our website. We noticed that some information is outdated and some answers are not complete. Please accept our sincere apologies.

We have updated the information, and please be assured that we will make sure that all information on our website is accurate and up to date. We hope this updated information will help you. Please feel free to contact us if there are any further clarifications or questions.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

Website Administrator

Erratum Email for an Incorrect Name Spelling

Dear Student,

We are writing to apologize for our mistake on your certificate. We saw that your name was incorrectly spelled as “Michel” instead of “Michael.” We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.

We have corrected the mistake and will send the corrected certificate to your address as soon as possible. Once again, please accept our sincere apologies, and we hope this inconvenience will not stand in the way of your hard-won achievement.

Thank you for your understanding.


Examination Department

Erratum Email for Mistakenly Sending a Wrong Email

Dear Recipient,

This message is in regard to an email that we sent you this afternoon. We noticed that the message contained sensitive information that was intended for another recipient. We apologize for the error and the distress it may have caused.

We take client privacy and confidentiality very seriously and want to assure you that we have identified the error and are taking measures to prevent this from happening in the future. We would appreciate it if you could delete the incorrect email and any attachments immediately and not forward or share them with anyone.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused, and we appreciate your cooperation.


Customer Service Team

Erratum Email for a Typographical Error in the Company Newsletter

Dear Staff,

We would like to apologize for the typographical error in our recent newsletter that you may have noticed. The mistake was in the headline and should have read “Product Launch” instead of “Product Launc.”

We take full responsibility for any confusion or embarrassment that this may have caused and will ensure that such mistakes are avoided in the future.

Thank you for your understanding, and we apologize again for any inconvenience this has caused you.


Editorial Department

Erratum Email for a Mistaken Charge on the Invoice

Dear Valued Customer,

We regret to inform you that there has been an error in your recent invoice, and an extra charge has been applied by mistake. Please accept our most sincere apologies.

We have already rectified the error, and you will receive a revised invoice shortly. We would appreciate it if you could ignore the incorrect invoice and wait for the corrected one.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, and we hope this has not caused you any significant inconvenience.


Accounting Department

Tips for Writing Erratum Emails

Erratum emails are a crucial part of any professional communication when an error has been made in a previous message or document. These emails serve as a correction or clarification to ensure that all parties involved have the correct information moving forward. To write an effective erratum email, consider the following tips:

  • Be timely: It’s important to send an erratum email as soon as possible after the error is discovered. This will help avoid any confusion or misunderstandings that may arise if the incorrect information is left unaddressed for an extended period.

  • Be clear and concise: In your erratum email, state the error clearly and briefly. Provide the corrected or clarified information concisely and in a language that is easy to understand. Avoid using technical jargon or complex language that may confuse the reader.

  • Apologize if necessary: If the error was significant or caused inconvenience to the recipient, apologize sincerely and acknowledge any impact it may have had on them. This can go a long way in maintaining good relationships within a professional setting.

  • Include any necessary attachments or links: If the erroneous information was part of a larger document or email, include the updated version of the document or a link to the corrected information in your email. This will help to ensure that the correct information is readily available to all parties involved.

  • Proofread before sending: As with any professional email, proofreading is essential. Make sure there are no additional errors or inconsistencies in your correction email. Check the tone of your message, and ensure that it is still professional and respectful, even if you are apologizing for a mistake.

By following these tips, you can write an effective erratum email that provides a clear and concise correction or clarification of erroneous information. Remember to always be professional and respectful, no matter the situation, to maintain good relationships within your professional network.

Writing Erratum in Email

What is an erratum?

An erratum is a document that contains corrections or mistakes found after a publication or release.

When is an erratum necessary?

An erratum is necessary when published content contains errors that need to be corrected and distributed to the readers.

How should the erratum be formatted?

The erratum should have a clear and concise title indicating the publication name, date, and type of document. It should also specify the section where the errors were found, followed by the corrected content.

What should the tone of the erratum be?

The tone of the erratum should be professional, apologetic, and transparent, acknowledging the error and taking responsibility for it.

What should be included in the opening statement of the erratum?

The opening statement should address the readers directly, informing them that the document containing errors was published and will be corrected. It should assure them that the corrected version will be distributed soon.

Who should be responsible for publishing the erratum?

The person or team responsible for the original publication should be responsible for publishing the erratum.

Is it necessary to distribute the erratum in the same format as the original publication?

The erratum should be published in the same format as the original publication or in an easily accessible format for the readers’ convenience.

What should be done after publishing the erratum?

After publishing the erratum, the team should make sure that the corrected content is used in all future publications.

What should be done if the errors are significant or attribute to serious consequences?

If the errors are significant or attribute to serious consequences, the organization may need to issue a formal apology and explanation for the mistakes.

Happy Erratum Writing!

Thanks for reading this article and learning more about how to write an erratum in your emails. Remember, mistakes happen to the best of us, but taking action to correct them shows professionalism and attention to detail. We hope this guide has been helpful and will save you from any future embarrassments. Be sure to visit us again for more tips and tricks on improving your communication skills. Happy erratum writing!