How to Write a Warning Email to Employee Sample that Actually Works

We all want our office to be a friendly and a pleasureable place to work, but sometimes warnings need to be issued to maintain a professional and productive environment. One such warning tool is the Warning Email to Employee Sample. If you’re new to issuing such emails, or if you’re unsure about the content you should include in them, don’t worry. You can find examples of such emails online that you can edit as needed.

While it might seem easy to just issue a warning verbally, it’s important to document the warning in an email so that there is an official record of it. This safeguards you and your company and ensures that future actions are taken with regards to the employee’s behaviour.

So, whether you’re issuing a warning for improper conduct, poor performance, or other issues, a Warning Email to Employee Sample is a helpful tool to have in your arsenal. And with a bit of editing, it can be customized for any situation in your workplace.

The Best Structure for a Warning Email to an Employee: A Guide

If you work in human resources or management, you know that addressing concerns with employees, especially ones that require disciplinary action, can be a challenging process. When it comes to delivering a warning email to an employee, using a well-structured approach can help ensure that the message is clear, professional, and respectful. Let’s dive into the best structure for a warning email to an employee.

First and foremost, begin with a respectful and professional greeting. Open with the employee’s name and a polite statement, such as “Dear [employee name],” or “Hello [employee name], I hope this message finds you well.” It’s important to set the tone for the rest of the email and avoid any confrontational language.

Next, clearly state the reason why you are sending the email. This is where you’ll want to explain the issue at hand, whether it’s tardiness, poor performance, or any other behavior that is not meeting expectations. Use specific examples to illustrate the problem and make it clear that you are taking the matter seriously.

Following the explanation, discuss the consequences of the behavior. Let the employee know what they stand to lose if they do not make the necessary changes. Be clear and concise about the possible outcomes, such as job termination or further disciplinary action.

Now, it’s vital to show the employee that you are willing to support them. Provide them with specific steps they need to take in order to correct the behavior. Ask them if they need any assistance from management or HR to ensure they understand what is expected of them.

Finally, end the email on a positive note. Let the employee know that you are confident that they can make the necessary changes, and that you look forward to seeing improvement. Encourage them to come forward with any questions or concerns they may have about the disciplinary action or the steps they need to take moving forward.

In conclusion, by using a well-structured approach in your warning email to an employee, you can deliver a clear, professional, and respectful message that is likely to lead to better outcomes. Be sure to use specific language, offer support, and end on a positive note.

Seven Sample Warning Emails to Employees

Warning for Lateness

Dear [Employee Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to remind you of our company’s policy on punctuality as you have been consistently arriving late for work lately. Punctuality is essential in our workplace as it shows respect for your colleagues and time management skills.

Please make a conscious effort to arrive on time going forward. I recommend setting an alarm, planning your morning routine, and leaving home earlier than usual if necessary. Your promptness will help with team productivity and efficiency.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


[Your Name]

Warning for Dress Code Violation

Dear [Employee Name],

I hope all is well. This email is to inform you that your recent attire has not been in accordance with our company’s dress code policy. Our dress code policy is in place to ensure a professional, consistent, and safe work environment for all employees.

Please make sure to adhere to the dress code policy. You can refer to the employee handbook or contact HR if you need a refresher. Failure to comply may result in further disciplinary action.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Warning for Poor Performance

Dear [Employee Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Unfortunately, I have noticed a decline in your performance recently. Based on your job responsibilities and expectations, we expect you to be meeting or exceeding our standards.

Please take some time to evaluate your work and identify areas of improvement. I encourage you to communicate with your manager or co-workers if you need assistance. We are all here to support each other and succeed as a team.

If your performance does not improve, we may have to take further action, including termination. I am optimistic that with your potential and willingness to learn, you can achieve success in your role.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Warning for Violation of Company Policies

Dear [Employee Name],

We have recently received reports of your violation of the company’s policies relating to [specific violation]. I want to remind you of the importance of adhering to our policies to maintain a safe and respectful work environment.

Please ensure to review the relevant policies and follow them accordingly going forward. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.

Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name]

Warning for Inappropriate Behavior

Dear [Employee Name],

I regret to inform you that your recent behavior towards [specific incident or behavior] has been inappropriate and unacceptable in our workplace. We have a zero-tolerance policy for such behavior, and it is crucial to maintain a professional, respectful, and safe environment for all employees.

Please make sure to avoid such behavior going forward. We expect all employees to communicate with each other professionally and respectfully. Any future violations of this policy will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

Warning for Excessive Absences

Dear [Employee Name],

I hope this email finds you well. We have noticed that you have been absent from work more than usual lately. While we understand emergencies and unforeseen events may occur, excessive absences can put extra strain on the workplace and colleagues.

Please make sure to communicate with your manager regarding your absences and ensure to adhere to our attendance policy. We expect all employees to prioritize their job responsibilities and attendance accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Warning for Insubordination

Dear [Employee Name],

I am writing this email to notify you of your recent insubordination towards your manager or supervisor. Insubordination is a severe breach of our company’s policy and can result in disciplinary action.

Please review our policies regarding communication, team dynamics, and management hierarchy. We expect all employees to demonstrate professionalism, respect, and compliance with managerial requests.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Tips for Writing a Warning Email to an Employee Sample

Writing a warning email to an employee can be a daunting task, but it is essential that you do it properly to avoid any misunderstandings. You need to make sure that the email is written in a professional and appropriate tone. Below are some tips to help you draft a warning email that will effectively communicate the issues at hand and motivate your employee to improve:

  • Be clear and concise: The email should be written in a clear and concise manner. Avoid using complicated jargon or technical terms that your employee may not understand. Make sure that you explain the issue at hand simply and concisely.
  • Stick to the facts: When writing the email, avoid making assumptions or speculations. Instead, stick to the facts and provide evidence to back up your claims. This will make it easier for your employee to understand what they did wrong and prevent any misunderstandings.
  • Be specific: It is essential that you specify the behavior or performance that you are warning the employee about. This could be anything from not meeting deadlines to being disrespectful to colleagues. Providing specific examples will help the employee understand the issue at hand.
  • Offer guidance: While the email is a warning, it is also an opportunity to offer guidance to the employee. Provide constructive feedback and suggest ways in which they can improve. This will help them understand how to avoid similar issues in the future.
  • Be respectful: When writing a warning email, it is important to maintain a respectful tone. Avoid using accusatory language or making personal attacks. Instead, focus on the behavior or performance that needs to be improved.
  • Be consistent: Ensure that the warning email is consistent with your company’s policies and procedures. This will make it easier for the employee to understand the consequences of their actions and what is expected of them moving forward.

In conclusion, writing a warning email to an employee sample requires careful attention to detail, clarity, and professionalism. By following the tips above, you can effectively communicate the issues at hand while maintaining a respectful tone and offering guidance for improvement. Remember to be specific, stick to the facts, and be consistent with your company’s policies and procedures.

FAQs Related to Warning Email to Employee Sample

What is a warning email to an employee?

A warning email to an employee is a formal document that outlines the concerns about the employee’s behavior or performance, and provides specific instructions on how the employee needs to improve their performance or behavior.

Why is a warning email to an employee important?

A warning email to an employee is important because it ensures that the employee is aware of their shortcomings and the consequences if they fail to improve their performance or behavior. It is also a necessary step in the progressive discipline process that may be used to terminate an employee if they do not improve.

What should be included in a warning email to an employee?

A warning email to an employee should include specific details about the employee’s misconduct or poor performance, the expectations for improvement, the consequences of failing to improve, and any specific instructions or guidance that the employee can follow to improve their performance or behavior.

What should the tone of a warning email to an employee be?

The tone of a warning email to an employee should be professional and objective. It should be clear and concise, using specific examples to illustrate the employee’s shortcomings, and provide a clear path forward for the employee to improve their performance or behavior.

Can a warning email to an employee be used in disciplinary action?

Yes, a warning email to an employee can be used as part of a progressive disciplinary action plan if the employee fails to improve their performance or behavior. It is an important step in the disciplinary process and can help protect the employer from potential legal action.

Can an employee be terminated after a warning email?

Yes, an employee can be terminated after a warning email if they fail to improve their performance or behavior. However, termination should only be used as a last resort and after all other corrective actions have been taken.

How should a warning email be delivered to an employee?

A warning email should be delivered to an employee in writing, either via email or in a letter delivered to the employee’s work address. The employee should be asked to acknowledge receipt of the warning and sign off on the document.

Can an employee dispute the contents of a warning email?

Yes, an employee can dispute the contents of a warning email if they feel that they have been unfairly targeted or if the information in the email is inaccurate. It is important for the employer to have a process in place for addressing employee disputes, and to handle them promptly and impartially.

What should an employee do after receiving a warning email?

After receiving a warning email, an employee should carefully review the contents of the email and take action to address any performance or behavior issues identified in the document. The employee should also seek clarification if they do not understand any of the information provided in the email.

Wrap It Up

And there you have it! Hopefully, this warning email to employee sample helped you out and gave you some guidance on how to handle a tough situation. Remember, each situation is unique and may require a different approach, so be sure to use this sample as a starting point and customize it accordingly. We appreciate you taking the time to read this article, and we encourage you to check back in the future for more helpful tips and advice. Thanks for reading!