5 Effective Job Application Follow Up Email Samples to Land Your Dream Job

Are you still waiting for a response after submitting your job application? We’ve all been there. The anticipation can be overwhelming, but don’t worry, there is a way to follow up without jeopardizing your chances of landing the job. In this article, we will provide you with job application follow up email samples that you can use to increase your chances of getting a response. Plus, you can even edit them as needed to fit your specific situation. Tim Ferris himself would be proud of the efficiency of this approach. So, let’s dive in and learn how to craft a follow-up email that will stand out from the rest.

The Best Structure for Job Application Follow-Up Email Sample

After submitting your job application, it can be frustrating to wait for a response from the hiring manager. However, sending a follow-up email can help you stand out from other candidates and potentially move your application to the top of the pile. Here are some tips for crafting the best structure for a job application follow-up email:

1. Use a Professional Subject Line

Your subject line should be brief and professional. Use your full name and the position you applied for in the subject line to ensure the hiring manager knows who you are and why you’re contacting them. A subject line like “Following Up on Application for [Position Name]” is clear and concise.

2. Begin with a Greeting and a Thank You

When you start your follow-up email, begin with a friendly greeting and a thank you for their time and consideration. Keep this part short and sweet, so you can quickly move onto the purpose of your email.

3. Reiterate Your Interest in the Position

Let the hiring manager know that you’re still interested in the position and excited about the opportunity. Briefly mention why you believe you’d be a good fit for the job.

4. Ask About the Status of Your Application

Politely inquire about the status of your application. You could say something like, “I was just wondering if there were any updates on my application or if there is any additional information I can provide.” Keep your tone professional and positive.

5. End with a Positive Note and Contact Information

End your email on a positive note by thanking the hiring manager for their time and consideration once again. Provide your contact information, including your phone number and email address, so they have multiple ways to reach you.

Remember, keep your follow-up email short and to the point. Avoid being pushy or demanding, and showcase your professionalism and enthusiasm for the position. By crafting a well-written job application follow-up email, you can increase your chances of hearing back from the hiring manager and potentially landing an interview.

7 Job Application Follow Up Email Templates to Nail Your Job Offer

Checking on the Application Status

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the status of my job application submitted on [Application Submission Date] for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. I am still very interested in this opportunity and would like to know if there have been any updates or if there is any additional information I can provide to support my candidacy for this position.

Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Following Up After the First Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for taking the time to interview me on [Interview Date] for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the role and [Company Name]’s culture.

I am writing to follow up on the interview and express my continued interest in the position. I am confident that I would excel in this role and believe my skills and experience are a strong match for your team’s needs. Is there anything else I can provide to support my candidacy or any other steps in the interview process?

Thank you again for considering my application. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


[Your Name]

Following Up After a Second Interview

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Position] at [Company Name] once again. I appreciate the time and consideration given to my candidacy and enjoyed the chance to further discuss my qualifications and experience with your team.

I am excited about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and am writing to follow up on any next steps in the interview process. Is there any additional information I should provide, or any further meetings scheduled that I should prepare for? I look forward to hearing the next steps and hope to be considered for this role.

Thank you again for your consideration and time,

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Thank You Letter After Rejection

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

First of all, thank you for taking the time to review my application and interview me for the position of [Job Position] at [Company Name]. After careful consideration, I received the news that the position has been offered to another candidate.

While I am disappointed in the result, I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about [Company Name] during our conversations. I hope you keep me in mind for future opportunities. I would be interested in knowing what exactly I need to improve on during the interview process.

Thank you again for the chance to meet with you and your team. I wish [Company Name] continued success and growth in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Thank You Letter After Job Offer Acceptance

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am very pleased to accept the job offer of [Job Position] on [Start Date] at [Company Name]. Thank you very much for offering me this wonderful opportunity, and I look forward to working with such a great team.

I was extremely impressed with the company’s mission and values during my interview process and am confident that my skills and experience will be applied effectively. I look forward to working on [Department/Team] and contributing to the company’s continued growth and success. Thank you again, and I can’t wait to start getting to know the team.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Thank You Letter After Job Offer Rejection

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

Thank you for offering me the position of [Job Position] at [Company Name]. Though I was impressed with the opportunity and the company, I’ve decided to decline the offer.

Once again, I’m grateful to have been considered for the role at your company and appreciate the time you and your team invested in my application process. It’s hard to say “no,” especially since I think [Company Name] is such a great place to work and grow. I wish everyone at [Company Name] the best continuing success and look forward to keeping in touch future opportunities.

Thank you again for your offer and understanding.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Following Up After the Job Offer

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

Thank you for extending the offer of [Job Position] at [Company Name]. I would be delighted to accept the offer. I am excited about the opportunity to be part of such a dynamic and growing team and can’t wait to contribute to the ongoing success of the company.

Please let me know what specific next steps to take, what needs to be filled out, and when is the start date. Also, do let me know if there’s any information that you need from me to prepare for my first day. I look forward to hearing back from you soon and am eager to start my new position.

Thanks again for your consideration.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Tips for Writing an Effective Job Application Follow-Up Email

Following up after submitting a job application is an essential part of the job search process. Sending a well-crafted follow-up email can help you stand out in a crowded job market and demonstrate your dedication to the position. Here are some tips to help you write an effective job application follow-up email:

  • Begin with a professional subject line. Your subject line should be clear and concise, indicating the purpose of the email and your name.
  • Address the recipient by name. If you have the name of the person who reviewed your application, address the email directly to them.
  • Express gratitude. Begin the email by thanking the recipient for considering your application and taking the time to review it.
  • Highlight your qualifications. Use your email to remind the recipient of your relevant skills and experience, and how they make you the ideal candidate for the position.
  • Ask for a status update. Politely ask the recipient if they have had a chance to review your application, and if they have any further questions or concerns.
  • Provide your contact information. Make it easy for the recipient to reach out to you by including your phone number and email address in your email signature.
  • End on a positive note. Thank the recipient again for their time and consideration, and let them know that you look forward to hearing back from them soon.

Remember, the goal of your follow-up email is to demonstrate your interest in the position and your desire to move forward in the hiring process. By following these tips, you can write a compelling email that helps you stand out from the competition.

Job Application Follow Up Email Sample

How long should I wait before following up on my job application?

The ideal time to follow up on your job application is after two weeks. This period provides the employer with enough time to review your application and decide on the next steps to take.

What should I include in my follow-up email?

Your follow-up email should remind the employer of your application submission, restate your interest in the position, provide additional information if necessary, and ask for an update on the status of your application.

How often should I follow up on my job application?

You should follow up on your job application at least once every two weeks. This frequency shows your interest in the position without being too pushy or aggressive.

What is the best time of the day to send the follow-up email?

The best time to send the follow-up email is early in the morning during weekdays. This timing shows that you are serious about getting the job and you respect the employer’s time and schedule.

What should I do if the employer does not respond to my follow-up email?

If the employer does not respond to your follow-up email after two attempts, you may want to move on to other job applications. However, you can also follow up with a phone call or visit to the company to show your interest in the position.

Should I attach my resume and cover letter in the follow-up email?

You should only attach your resume and cover letter if the employer requests you to do so. Otherwise, your follow-up email should focus on reminding the employer of your application and expressing your interest in the position.

Can I follow up on my job application if the job posting has been removed?

You can still follow up on your job application even if the job posting has been removed. However, your follow-up email should mention the job title and reference number to help the employer identify your application.

What should I do if I receive a rejection email after following up on my job application?

If you receive a rejection email after following up on your job application, you should thank the employer for their response and ask for feedback on how to improve your future job applications.

Can I follow up on multiple job applications at the same time?

Yes, you can follow up on multiple job applications at the same time. However, make sure to personalize your follow-up emails and avoid sending a generic message to all employers.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this job application follow up email sample helps you in your job search. Remember, persistence is key when it comes to job hunting, so don’t be afraid to follow up with potential employers. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and colleagues. And be sure to check back soon for more job search tips and advice. Good luck out there!